Thursday, October 4, 2007

I'm on Ravelry, and I've been shopping!

Got my invitation to Ravelry today. I'm Misstea, and quite pleased about that. I thought Misstea would be taken, seeing as I'm well over the 20,000th person to be invited. Yay for me!

So much for my plan to clean house, and do some work for an organization I belong to. And, thank goodness Boy bailed on dinner (poor sweetie is sick). Instead, I'm going to open a Flickr account and see if my photos can talk to it.

There's knitters in Winnipeg that I didn't know. Woohoo!

In the meantime:

Knitpicks Options

Harmony needles. I've heard lots of raving about Options, but since metal needles don't appeal to me, I didn't even bother checking them out. Then, I saw the birch needles. I was intrigued, and it was my birthday, or close enough to it. They arrived tonight. I've switched to them in my two active WIP, and I am smitten! I also got some blocking wires. I will show them off when I am actually blocking something.

Wolseley Wardrobe now carries Noro! I had to buy the pink. It's the Harlot's one-row scarf, and it's gorgeous. Can't wait to block it and then wear it with my new velour blazer. I'll be stylin'.

Three skeins of Araucania Pomaire. At 168 m each, I could make something. I just bought it because it's pink. 100% cotton, so a sort of t-shirt, perhaps? It depends on the pooling. Right now, it's just to have.

Lorna's Laces. Enough to make these. For me. When? Soon, I hope.

Finished Monkey socks! Just in time, too. I'm meeting up with a friend on Sunday, and I haven't seen her in over a year. Seems like the socks have spoken. Her feet are bigger than mine, and these socks are too big for me.


chad said...

wow, that's awesome. I never saw a pair of socks like that before

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Ravelry!

Can't wait to see the birtch options in person... See you Tuesday!