Friday, June 20, 2008

All Seized Up

My Grandad, the best man in the entire world, used to say that he was all seized up, just like an old engine. Especially when he found it difficult to get moving.

I’ve been feeling that way a lot lately, and I decided that this kind of pain was more than my stiff upper lip could take.

So, I did something I’ve never done before.

I went to see a chiropractor (on the advice of my doctor. I’m no fool).

The moment will become legendary for the following reasons:

1. I truly didn’t know that chiropractors actually do crack your back. I screamed. Mostly in shock, but a little pain, too.

2. I told someone, in all honesty, that I did not trust them, and that they were on indefinite probation (I normally keep those thoughts to myself, unless I’ve been drinking).

3. I spent half an hour in a windowless room with a man and there was no funny business (my medical professionals are women. For a reason. I want to talk about my physical issues with someone has the same plumbing I do).

I felt great after that first session, for a bit. Then the pain went shooting down to the bottom of my foot.

The next day, I hurt everywhere.

And the following day.

Today, I went back. Because I’m trying to be open-minded, dammit (and oh yes, I’m desperate).

He asked me if I trusted chiropractors now. I said no, but I was thinking about trusting one chiropractor.

Then, he cracked my back again! Four times!

I’m not feeling any pain right now, but it could be due to the really large glass of wine I am enjoying.

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