Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Remember when this here knitting blog had some knitting?

Me neither. That's because there hasn't been much knitting, lately.
So, I bring you A's finished birthday socks. The details are on Ravelry. I'm not going to repeat myself.

A told me once that lime green is one of her favourite colours. Now, I always try to find something with lime green for her. Just because.

The most amazing part is that A's actual birthday is today! And I kitchener stitched that second toe yesterday. I'm on time, though I won't see her until she gets back from her holiday, lucky thing. But, yay for me!

She is out right now with the rest our friends enjoying cake, conversation and all sorts of other good things.

A, my wish for you is to have the very best of birthdays and all sorts of good things in the year ahead.

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