Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Quick post

For lack of a better title. It's bedtime. Making a meal and doing one (1!) load of laundry plays me out.

That's pretty sad.

I did manage to finally wash the swatches, but I'm too lazy to take a picture.

I neglected to take measurements, but there is definitely vertical shrinkage. Horizontal, a little, but not much.

All of the fabrics bloomed and are much softer to the touch. Even the lilac, which I thought was unbearably stiff, is now tolerable. The blue is lovely, and I will be using that yarn again. For sure.

Perhaps tomorrow at work, I will run some calcs and maybe even settle on a pattern.

I will do this at work because the huge time investment I made over the past six weeks has paid off. What took me three weeks in October just took me a day and a half.

I'm pretty chuffed about that. Made all the cursing under my breath worthwhile. Now I'm going to make it a little game - to see how fast I can get it done.

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